4/1-2 John 18:28-19:16 (Days Two & Three)


Reflective Reading

Today and tomorrow continue to dwell in the story of Jesus being investigated and sentenced by Pilate. While this story is in all four gospels, John shares a lot more of the dialogue that occurs between Pilate and Jesus, which is very insightful into what kind of Savior & Messiah Jesus really is. I encourage you to linger in Jesus’ words here – what is He telling us about Himself? What is He telling us about His Kingdom?

Sharing Ideas

What stands out to you? How is your view of Jesus being confirmed and/or challenged? Please share.

One thought on “4/1-2 John 18:28-19:16 (Days Two & Three)

  1. Like Adam mentioned on the previous thread, at first take Jesus’ response is so “upside down” in His interactions with Pilate. Instead of sweating blood about His coming crucifixion, He is calmly explaining to the ruler of the area (aka the face of the Roman Empire and Caesar) who the real Ruler is, what the real King is like, and what kind of Kingdom God has in mind. This clearly upset Pilate and made him a bit antsy. And it clearly upset the Jews who preferred Caesar to the Kingship of Jesus. What do Jesus’ words do to us? Are we willing to accept His Kingship and His Kingdom on His terms, or would we either wash our hands of Him or get rid of Him?

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